
My trip to Whetstone park this past Thursday. I was always there as a kid, and I never realized most of it was there.

This is (I believe) the Olentangy River.

There are paths running around the park, and they have different little gardens along side the forests. They also have little fields.

I really must have a thing for the sky, as it dominates most of my pictures.
These were taken on the other side of the park, towards the High School. There are athletic fields, and I laid down by the baseball (softball?) diamond to get some sun.

This one I took through my sunglasses. These glasses make almost anything look more magical.


OK everyone, I have posted pictures of my recent trip to Chicago on my Flickr site, so please check them out. Megan, Steve and I had a great time, though we also proved how out of shape we are. Megan and I stopped at a candle store just inside Indiana, and part of the store is a giant candle! (Think the Longaberger Basket Building in Newark, though not quite so massive) We also saw some wind farms along the way - it's nice to know that these things are really going up. We made it up to Steve's in about 9 hours since we made many stops. Saturday, after breakfast at IHOP (I so want one here at home!) we went out to the Morton Arboretum, which sadly puts Daws to shame. They have a Japaneese garden, like Daws, but they also have a Chineese and a Korean garden as well, among many others. We tried going through the Hedge maze at the end of our walk, but were too worn out to care much about it, we went a quarter of the way in before turning back. So other than that we ate, went out for a drink with Steve's friend Andy, and we watched "Rock and Rolla" and the first two seasons of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia." A very nice weekend trip if I do say so myself. Check out the pictures!


August 21st

High and E. North Broadway.

15th and High


Autumn Night

I wanted a place to put my writing, pictures and thoughts out there. I hope you enjoy!