The following is a (very) short story I wrote for my senior (high school) science fiction class 8 years ago. The story had to have 500 words and three characters - one of which had to be a computer of some sort. The only changes I've made in typing it up here have been to correct spelling errors.
Suicide isn't easy. I have to give credit to people who have killed themselves, or even come close because I can't even do that - come close. It's not that I'm a stupid person, or clumsy, or lack common sense - I just have bad timing I suppose. I've attempted every way I know how, I just can't get the hang of it. Well, here is one last chance.
I looked up at the water tower, trying to find the ladder. The full moon was bright, so I didn't need a lantern to see. I climbed up the ladder, and sat on the ledge. I pulled out my ankle weights, threw my bag down, and looked for my rope. 'This has gotten too boring' I thought to myself, and apparently out loud.
"What exactly is boring. Killing yourself? Or how it is you've been trying?" It was Maynard.
"Neither. Life is boring, and I'm trying to spice it up." And it's the truth. It's not that I want to die, it's just that I'm tired of living. Maynard just likes to ask questions. "So how did you find me anyways?"
"Lolita, you can't go on living in simulations. You know it's dangerous. So come down here, and we can go home." I couldn't see him, but he sounded upset and concerned.
"No" I shouted as I continued to look for my rope.
"Computers have been shutting off all around the world. In the past month, 10,000 people have died because of it. If we aren't careful, they'll be running things."
"Hmmm" I looked over the side of the tower. "OK, but I'm only coming because I can't find my rope. I think I forgot to pack it." I climbed back down the ladder, and met Maynard at the bottom. "OK lets go look for the door out of here."
Every simulation has a door that is used to exit it. Most of the time, you can just make the door appear by telling the computer, but you can set the computer so that you have to look for the door, which is what I usually set it to. Now, it's hard to determine where the door will be, because the computer picks sites at random. Few people have ever gotten lost.
"You mean you don't know where the door is?" He looked upset.
"Hey! What would be the point in coming in here if the door were right here?" I was getting upset too. "Come on, lets just go." We left the water tower, and took off ini the direction of the woods. Maynard didn't speak unless he was yelling.
"We could be dead at any second! I don't care what you've been taught - these computers have developed a mind of their own."
"Maynard. Calm down."
"What?!" His face was turning red.
"How exactly did you get into my simulation? The only was you can is at my house through the door."
"No...I left my simulation through the door and came right out through the clearing here." Now confusion.
"Well, doesn't that tell you something? There are 3 possibilities from here. 1: either this is real life 2: your simulation is real life or 3: we are stuck in simulations." This is when the computer came on.
"Automatic shut off in 60 seconds. All life forms have 60 seconds to exit through the emergency door in front. If they do not exit, life will be terminated." The door appeared.
"Finally!" Maynard had started to cry. We got to the door, and ran through with out looking. In front of us we saw the water. Thats when the countdown began.
"End in 10 - 9- 8..."
"Oh fudge!" I began to cry also. The door disappeared behind us.
"...2 - 1 - end" As those words finished, we felt the blast, and all was gone.
Posted by
Autumn Goddess
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